Lake Norman Waterfront Homes
In March 2012 25 waterfront homes sold in the Lake Norman area, a 38.9% increase from the 18 waterfront homes sold in February 2012. March 2012 waterfront sales figures decreased 10.7% from March 2011 when 28 waterfront homes sold in the Lake Norman area.
The average sales price increased 21.8% from $756,277 in February to $920,788 in March. March 2012 average sales price increased 21% from the March 2011 average sales price which was $760,741.
Average days on the market increased from 187 in February to 165 in March, a 11.8% decrease in market time. March 2011 average days on the market were 203, a 18.7% decrease in market time.
Currently there are 304 Lake Norman waterfront homes listed in the MLS with 24 of those under contract, up 71.4% from February. The average list price is $998,025, down .2% from February. The lowest priced Lake Norman waterfront home is listed at $139,900 and the highest priced Lake Norman waterfront home is listed at $5,900,000.
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