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Lake Norman real estate listings for sale

Tag Archives: real estate market

Lake Norman Foreclosure Homes
At the end of March 2012 there were 77 foreclosure, preforeclosure & short-sale properties listed in the Lake Norman area, a 40% increase from the 55 foreclosure, preforeclosure & short sale properties for sale in February. Prices range from $39,000 to $5,900,000 for a waterfront home in Mooresville.

21 foreclosure/short sale homes closed in March 2012. This was an increase of 50% from the 14 foreclosure and preforeclosure homes sold in February. The average home sold was a 4 bedroom/4 bath with 3,677 square feet and an average sale price of $471,226. The average sales price increased 155.6% from the previous months average sale price of $184,431. The average days on the market were 164, a 54 day increase from February.

31 foreclosure and short sale properties are currently under contract, a 47.6% increase from February.

Lake Norman Foreclosure Condos & Townhomes
At the end of March 2012 there were 8 foreclosure, preforeclosure & short-sale Lake Norman area condo/townhome properties listed, a 33% decrease from the 12 foreclosure, preforeclosure & short-sale properties listed for sale in February. Prices range from $100,000 to $295,000. The average unit is a 2 bed/2 bath with 1,295 square feet and an average list price of $176,987, down 14.4% from February’s average list price of $206,658.

One foreclosure, preforeclosure or short-sale condos/townhomes sold in March. This was an decrease of 0% from the one foreclosure, preforeclosure or short-sale condos sold in February. The average sales price in March was $92,000, down 17.9% from the February average sales price of $112,000. One foreclosure/preforeclosure units are currently under contract, down 0% from February.

If you would like to be added to the foreclosure properties email notification list and the Lake Norman area “Best Buy” list please visit our Lake Norman foreclosure website LakeNormanForeclosure.com. Or, you can view all the Lake Norman area foreclosures, preforeclosures and short sales.

If you need help stopping foreclosure on your Lake Norman property please give us a call at 866-LakeNorman.

View all current Lake Norman foreclosure and preforeclosure home listings
View all Lake Norman waterfront foreclosure and preforeclosure home listings


Lake Norman Waterfront Homes
In March 2012 25 waterfront homes sold in the Lake Norman area, a 38.9% increase from the 18 waterfront homes sold in February 2012. March 2012 waterfront sales figures decreased 10.7% from March 2011 when 28 waterfront homes sold in the Lake Norman area.

The average sales price increased 21.8% from $756,277 in February to $920,788 in March. March 2012 average sales price increased 21% from the March 2011 average sales price which was $760,741.

Average days on the market increased from 187 in February to 165 in March, a 11.8% decrease in market time. March 2011 average days on the market were 203, a 18.7% decrease in market time.

Currently there are 304 Lake Norman waterfront homes listed in the MLS with 24 of those under contract, up 71.4% from February. The average list price is $998,025, down .2% from February. The lowest priced Lake Norman waterfront home is listed at $139,900 and the highest priced Lake Norman waterfront home is listed at $5,900,000.

Use our free listing service to see the current Lake Norman waterfront homes for sale: Lake Norman waterfront homes for sale (more…)


Lake Norman Homes
In March 2012 80 homes sold in the Lake Norman area, a 31.1% increase from the 61 homes sold in February. March 2012 sales figures increased 5.3% from March 2011 when 76 homes sold in the Lake Norman area.

The average sales price increased 15.5% from $464,026 in February to $536,068 in March. The March 2012 average sales price increased 10.2% from the March 2011 average sales price which was $486,445.

Average days on the market increased 30.2% from 136 days in February to 177 days on the market in March. March 2011 average days on the market were 212, a 16.5% decrease in market time.

Currently there are 758 homes for sale in the Lake Norman MLS area. The average home is a 3 bed/3 bath with 3,375 square feeet and an average list price of $637,223 down .9% from the February average list price of $643,099. The average days on the market are 167. 92 Lake Norman homes are currently under contract, up 70.4% from February!

Lake Norman Condos & Townhomes
In March 2012 6 condos/townhomes sold in the Lake Norman area, a 40% decrease from the 10 condos or townhomes sold in February 2012. March 2012 sales figures decreased 57.1% from March 2011 when 14 Lake Norman condos sold.

The average sales price decreased 35.2% from $198,450 in February 2012 to $128,667 in March 2012. March 2012 average sales price decreased 33.7% from the March 2011 average sales price which was $193,914.

Average days on the market decreased 22.8% from 189 in February to 146 in March. March 2011 average days on the market were 138.

Currently there are 120 condo/townhomes for sale in the Lake Norman MLS area. The average unit is a 2 bed/2 bath home with 1,409 square feet and an average list price of $226,344, down 1.2% from February’s average list price of $229,081. The average days on the market are 151. 7 Lake Norman condos/townhomes are currently under contract, a 0% increase from February.

Lake Norman Lots
In March 2012 16 lots sold in the Lake Norman area, a 27.3% decrease from the 22 lots sold in February. March 2012 sales figures increased 0% from March 2011 when 16 lots sold.

The average sales price increased 85.3% from $76,497 in February to $141,775 in March. March 2012 average sales price decreased 16.5% from the March 2011 average sales price which was $169,711.

Average days on the market increased 15.4% from 332 in February to 383 in March. March 2011 average days on the market were 393, a 2.5% decrease in market time vesus the same time period last year.

Currently there are 1103 lots for sale in the Lake Norman MLS area. The average list price is $143,023, down 5% from February’s average list price of $150,528. The average days on the market are 338. 36 Lake Norman area lots are currently under contract, a 28.6% increase from February.

If you would like to search for Lake Norman properties for sale please visit our website: Search Lake Norman Real Estate Listings


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